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Food / Agriculture

ENTACO provides a complete range of cleaning and disinfection products for your company; open-plant cleaning and disinfection, CIP-cleaning and disinfection, case washing machines, knife disinfection systems and much more. We can provide a complete solution for more hygiene within your company. A conceptual approach is applied; we analyze your products and provide instruction sheets and training.


Our mission is clear: we want to be a true partner for our clients; chose the right products, train for optimal use and more.

  • We choose the right products. Our experience and continuous innovation is a solid basis for many hygiene problems.
  • We support our clients by providing a training in using our products. This is also very important for the safety of the user and for the hygiene of the company.
  • The training will also result in more efficient use of the products.
  • We provide a set-up of your dosing equipment with a correct dosage.
  • We adjust and/or assist where needed and solve specific hygiene problems.